Strengthening Exercises and Stretches For Lower Back Pain
TRAIN2018-08-09T03:45:49+01:00The most susceptible body part worldwide is unquestionably that block of muscle between your glutes and upper back – the lower back. Here are the [...]
The most susceptible body part worldwide is unquestionably that block of muscle between your glutes and upper back – the lower back. Here are the [...]
With the media brimming with scare stories about the ingredients lurking in your food, BPA in plastic and in foods has been getting extra attention. [...]
To prepare for his event, Kris Gethin hits the snow trails for hours. Here’s how to conquer the white mountains so your fitness doesn’t slide [...]
Not all sports supplements are created equal – and quality can vary substantially. This can make it difficult to judge just what is worth your [...]
Do you hear the word “macros” and respond like you know what it means when, really, you have no clue? Exactly what are macronutrients? Well, [...]
Kyler Jackson, the cover model for our latest issue of TRAIN magazine (T56) and’s 2018 spokesmodel winner details how he took bullying and turned [...]
Rick Bhullar’s career path was set, but his passion for dance led to him grooving with the stars and being introduced to another love; fitness... [...]
At 60 years old, it’s safe to say Dolph Lundgren knows a few things about training and eating for success. It's a testament to him [...]
You’re trying to do your body a solid, only to be unduly rewarded with a gut-wrenching stitch when running – as if your training isn’t [...]
Conducting your own laboratory-level study may be out of the question, so how do you know whether or not a supplement is worth taking? We [...]