Increase Muscle Mass and Power with Eccentric Training
How much can you lift? It’s an all-too common question but a more relevant query should be, How much can you lower? Bodybuilders have discovered that one of the most effective tools for increasing both [...]
Don’t Call It Prehab
Dr. Michael Wasilisin, a chiropractor and CEO of MoveU, was sick of the way mobility training was being presented. It was about as fun as punching yourself in the kidneys and left people disengaged. Weirdly, [...]
Are You Sleeping Stronger?
If there’s one activity you do more than any other throughout your whole life, it’s sleeping. Life. You’re taking it lying down with your eyes shut. Perfectly vulnerable. Sure, you are awake a fair bit [...]
How To Get On a First Name Basis With Your Pain
Pain is coming for you. Do nothing and you feel it. Do a little and you’ll feel it too. Exercise and it’s coming for you big time. You will not escape it. Nobody does. All [...]
Is the Grass Greener for Whey Protein?
Imagine yourself as a beautiful box fresh baby. Would you prefer milk forged from the nutrition of fresh healthy groceries or the Frankenfoods served at most drive-thrus? The answer may seem clear, but what’s unclear [...]
Why You Need Garlic Flakes Everyday
In a world where social distancing is encouraged, garlic flakes are there to help you play ball. Apply liberally and few will come near you. That’s a case of good luck. Bad luck. While it [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals