What Will WADA Test for At This Winter Olympics?
Historical examples have demonstrated that natural products may be considered for inclusion on the list of sports banned substances, along with pharmaceutical agents. As the lines between prohibited substances in sport and natural products get [...]
Here’s Why You Should Optimize Your Water Quality
Water used to be simple. You twisted a faucet. Out it came. You could even grab a drink in a public restroom without feeling nasty. Today, despite USA having one of the safest and most [...]
Ways You’re Failing to Get Vitamin C And Don’t Even Know It
Scurvy! That’s what you get if you’re lacking vitamin C. This affliction kicked around when the real Jack Sparrow’s terrorized the seas. We’ve come a long way since and you’ve probably never heard of anyone [...]
How Pink Water Makes You Run Faster
You’re hardwired to love colors. The brighter the better. Back in the Fred Flintstone days they were crucial for your survival because they told you if a berry was ripe or poisonous. Get it wrong [...]
Why Chocolate Should Be Your Proteins Default Setting
Regardless of your country, gender, or beliefs, if there’s one food responsible for derailing a world of fitness ambitions, it’s chocolate. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, chocolate almost always seems to be answer. [...]
Are Natural Anabolics Safe?
If it’s natural it can’t make you test positive, right? Maybe not. Natural anabolic agents may represent a new frontier in muscle building supplements, but they do things a little different. Many are researched because [...]
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