Calories: The Hidden Truth
Calories act like they’re a mythical creature which inhabits your sweatpants and shrinks them a little tighter when you go to sleep each night. After all, you’ve never actually seen one. Nobody has. And this [...]
Half of UK Men Consumed by Body Image Pressures
New research has revealed that half of UK men are consumed by body image pressures impacting social life, love life, mental health, and career. 25 per cent of British men rarely or never feel body [...]
Combat Training Gear For Injury Prevention
Ouch! That’s what your opponent is supposed to say. Sometimes that opponent is a punching bag. Sometimes it’s a person. Ouch is never something you want your body to say when you’re training. Except, that’s [...]
Six Easy To Miss Signs You Need A Testosterone Boost
Testosterone cops the blame for just about everything. Any negative or boisterous behavior is linked to this misunderstood hormone. While it’s nice to think there is a demonic hormone, few psychologists would agree that personality [...]
Combat Training Equipment Compared – Which Is Best?
Everything has an upside and downside. Your water. Your food. Your exercise. Even you. You’re not perfect. There are scales that need to be weighed so you can balance your ledgers that set your performance [...]
Chewing The Fat About High-Quality Fats
Woohoo! Eat fat. Lose fat. That’s the ketogenic promise. You can load up your plate with as much as 55-60% of calories from fat. And you can still lose weight. It seems impossible, yet the [...]
Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Flexible membership packages to suit all levels of training to help achieve your fitness goals