
Can You Supplement With Ketones While Eating Keto?

Scientists promised the world exercise-in-a-pill. It never came. Only obesity, so quite the opposite. That’s the power of expectation and poor will power. But what about exogenous ketones? There’s no easy answer. You need to [...]

Your Pre-Workout Isn’t Enough

Pre-workouts promise to deliver the kind of change you’d expect to see in a Marvel comic. Your shirt strains under your new size. You become enraged. You’re saddled with too much energy to sit still. [...]

5 Things To Look Out For On A Keto Diet

Everything that has a upside comes with an obligatory downside. Look at water. You need regular top ups or things get ugly. Quick. So, drink lots of water? Sure. Just not too much because over [...]

Why You Need Powdered Peanuts In Your Life

The humble peanut. Once upon a time, it was just a legume, only a nut by name, that was eaten by itself. It now seems available in so many different forms, it appears to have [...]

How Keto Increases Your Testosterone

Testosterone has become code for so much that’s bad about daily existence. It can be toxic behavior. Bad sportsmanship. Or someone’s unusual body shape. Truth be told, you need testosterone to make your life easier. [...]

CrossFit Announces The Fittest Man & Woman In The UK

The Global Sport of Fitness Names Samantha Briggs and Joshua Al-Chamaa as the 2021 UK National Champions    July 15, 2021 – London, UK – CrossFit, the Sport of Fitness, named Samantha Briggs and Joshua Al-Chamaa as the Fittest Man [...]

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