
David McIntosh – How I Got My Body

Body My training is extremely varied and super intense. Having been an avid sportsman from a young age, I've amalgamated different training techniques from each sport that I believe can put my body in all-round [...]

12th World MMA Awards Statement

STATEMENT FROM ROB HEWITT, CEO OF FIGHTERS ONLY REGARDING THE 12TH ANNUAL FIGHTERS ONLY WORLD MMA AWARDS   To our Friends and Family in the MMA Community, Today I am issuing this statement regarding the [...]

Should You Train with Sore Muscles?

If you set yourself a resolution to get into better shape this year, you’re not alone because according to a recent YouGov poll, the number one resolution was to exercise more. This was followed by, [...]

15 Minute Workout – Fat Matters

Q: I’ve been working hard and building muscle, but I still have too much body fat. Is there a workout I can do specifically to burn fat in my mid-section? Your trainers The Kavadlo brothers [...]

CrossFit Cut

Embrace the CrossFit and Thundrbro basics for getting ripped without putting your precious muscle on the chopping block. Dave Lipson is one of the world’s strongest CrossFit athletes who works at part of CrossFit HQ [...]

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