Been grinding away and still getting those newbie gains from your beginner’s routine?

Follow it up and keep registering the gains you’re accustomed to by smoothly transitioning to an intermediate workout. Here’s how.


What workout you’ve been doing as a beginner

The beginner’s routine.

Doing a gym program using three sets of 8-12 reps, with weights that are 65-75 per cent of your one repetition maximum (1RM), for 12 weeks, is great for beginners to build muscle.

You can handle plenty of lifting volume without taxing your nervous system too much.

Even though your rep ranges are general, you can still manipulate the training volumes, intensity and rest to keep progressing without plateauing too early.


selye's model of adaptation


What’s this workout done for your body?

Following a 12-week program, you’ll have gained plenty of fresh muscle, creating an excellent foundation to work from.

Your general fitness will be improved meaning you’re now ready for new challenges.


animated man performing a push up


What weakness has the beginner’s workout created?

Most franchise gyms have a set plan for you to follow, which is great – but what if you don’t need to work your calves or biceps?

What if you don’t want to use every piece of cardio machine or every resistance machine?

The ol’ “Welcome to the gym, but you must stay over here” treatment.

Chances are that you will start to develop imbalances if you’re moving in one plane of movement so you need to craft a solid base of strength to build on.


animated man performing a squat


How to transition from a beginner to an intermediate workout

Progress from machines into the free weight area to work on compound multi-jointed moves such as the squat, deadlift and bench.

This will give you a good foundation of strength to build on.

For cardio, pick something you enjoy.

Treadmill, rower, cross trainer, battle ropes and skipping – see what keeps you motivated and don’t be afraid to try something new and keep it varied!


animated man performing tricep extensions


Your intermediate workout principles

These are the targets and ranges you’ll be working in over the next 12 weeks:

75%-80% of 1RM 10-12 reps
3-4 sets
Cardio - 30 mins, 3x week
Ab circuit - 3 x week
Crunch - 4 x 15 reps
V-sits - 4 x 15 reps
Hanging leg raise - 4 x 15 reps
Hanging knee raise - 4 x 15 reps
Mountain climbers - 4 x 30 secs
Plank - 4 x 30 secs


animated man performing sit up


Full body training periodization for the intermediate

How your routine will be periodized over the next 12 weeks.

You’ll have 3 training blocks with a simple exercise switch every 4 weeks.


WEEKS 1 – 4

Deadlifts, squats, bench, seated row, seated shoulder press

75%-80% of 1RM
10-12 reps
3-4 sets
Cardio - 30 mins, 3x week
Ab circuit - 3 x week


WEEKS 5 – 8

Deadlifts, squats, bench, lat pulldown, Arnold press

75%-80% of 1RM
10-12 reps
3-4 sets
Cardio - 30 mins, 3x week
Ab circuit - 3 x week


WEEKS 9 – 12

Deadlifts, squats, bench, bent over row, overhead press

80% of 1RM
10-12 reps
4 sets
Cardio - 30 mins, 3x week
Ab circuit - 3 x week


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